Hair Colonel - Unisex hairstylists
Art in Sandton
Shop 14. Bryanston. Sandton. Gauteng. 2189Are you the owner or manager of this company?
What you should know about Hair Colonel - Unisex hairstylists has established itself as the leading online hair salon directory in South Africa. has established a cross media presence incorporating Internet, Cd-Rom and more recently news letters in order to maximize and leverage exposure for clients and value offerings to customers looking for information. Our key aim is to make it easy and convenient to find the information customers of require. We also provide necessary, valid information to our clients to best market their businesses and benefit the industry as a whole by maximizing internet usage and being actively involved. Studies consistently indicate that people online are in the higher income brackets. You can make sales to customers you do not usually reach, both in your area and outside your area. You can always edit this or any other info in settings after joining. If we find matches from the people you follow on Twitter, we'll connect you to them right away. Let your followers know you're on Myspace with a Tweet. South Africa's Premier Online Hair Industry Directory and Business Search Engine. We cover all the sectors within the hair industry, we have the largest database of hair and salon related businesses in South Africa. With over 150 000 hits a month, and growing since our launch in 2003, is the definitive directory for the hair industry in South Africa. Currently, we are listing more than 3500 businesses, salons and stylists. When last did you recieve fantastic service from your stylist or hair salon ? Discussions Discussions Lists all discussions that are created on the site. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. EOHCB is a non profitable Employer's Organisation registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act. We continuously strive to provide our members with a full range of services relating to labour matters and endeavour to address the needs of our members with integrity, professionalism and sound business practise. To protect the interests of members in the collective bargaining process. To practice the role of Agent/Representative in all matters where employee representations are involved, or wish to become involved. To represent members in all matters arising from labour disputes of whatever nature.
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